Sunday, April 17, 2016

DIY Homemade Shea Butter Cream

Hey Guys and Gals! I have been struggling to find time to blog. I have tried to keep blogging a part of my daily schedule and I have been 'slacking". Anyway, I have recently decided to try out Shea butter on my hair and I love it. The creamy consistency is amazing when mixed with oils and other liquids. Here is my recipe for an amazing Shea Butter Cream/Creme.


  1. Shea Butter (yellow or white).  The color doesn't matter they have the same properties
  2. Almond Oil (2 tablespoons)
  3. Black Castor Oil (2 tablespoons)
  4. Water or Glycerin. The ingredient you choose depends on what properties you want your cream to have. If you want moisture lock and shine use glycerin. If you want a less oily cream use water.
  5. Here is the open spot. You can add any oil, essential oil or flavoring of your choice in this spot.
Now add all ingredients into a bowl or jar and thoroughly mix until you achieve a smooth consistency without chunks. Enjoy your cream everyone and until next time. Ten un buen dia. (Its in Spanish)

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