Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Are You Moisturizing Yor Natural hair Properly?

The LOC method or the Leave-in/Liquid, Oil and cream method is the new obsession in the natural hair community. This method is great for natural hair and can help with moisture retention. These are my favorite leave-ins/liquids , oils and creams that are best for the most moisture retention.


  1. Water is a great liquid for preforming the LOC method on dry hair
  2. Aloe Vera gel and loose gels are great for moisture retention
  3. Any generic leave-in conditioner.


For the lock method I like to stay away form heavy oils but you may have better results with thicker oils.
  1. Avocado Oil
  2. Almond Oil
  3. Emu Oil
  4. Coconut oil
  5. Pure Mustard Oil
  6. Jojoba Oil


  1. I have no specific cream that works well for all hair types because different creams work differently on different hair types.

If you have any stories or experiences with this method comment down below.

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