Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Goals and Aspirations

                         Natural Hair Goals

              Long, Beautiful, Healthy Hair.

Every Naturalista has a hair goal. Whether it is to grow longer hair, healthier hair or to find the perfect hair regimen for flourishing hair, goals are important. However, there are several key tips that are needed when trying to achieve your hair goals.

#1. Knowing Your Goal and Finding Hair Crushes.
  Researching and having a clear idea of your hair goal can help  you to know when you have successfully reached your goal. Say you're 2016 hair goal is growing out your hair to bra strap length (BSL), knowing your goal provides extra motivation as you get closer to your goal. You can also look for hair crushes. Hair crushes are figures with a similar hair type and texture that you can look up to. Hair crushes can provide further motivation to achieve your  goals.

#2. Low Manipulation.
    Keeping your hands out of your hair is a difficult but mandatory step in hair growth and hair health. This can be a struggle for many teens as it is almost irresistible. The hair on your head is at your convenience. Being able to resist the urge and leave your hair will prevent breakage and tangles which in return will give you healthier hair overtime.

#3. Protective Styling.
  Along with low manipulation protective styling is key in hair growth. Protective styles provide a barrier PROTECTING hair from the natural elements. Protective styles are key in the winter and summer seasons because the harsh sun and cold winds can damage hair severely. Protective hairstyles can be very simple. Buns, braids and twists. As teens it may be difficult to achieve the best and most stylish protective styles by ourselves. Simply asking a parent or stylist to create the style on your hair is the best option. Stylists may request to be paid for their service, and depending on the style it may cost between 5-100 dollars.

#4. Take Daily Action.
  Trying to improve your regimen every day can lead to long-term hair health. Researching methods to achieve your goal is very important. Reading and listening to others about their experiences can allow you to see different ways to improve regimen. You must always remember that what may work for someone else may not work for you. Your hair goals are personal and is created just for you, though someone may have similar hair goals they will not be identical to yours.

#5. Patience.
  Patience is key with natural hair. Natural hair grows significantly slower than many other hair types. Though growth may not be visible very quickly focus on having healthy, beautiful hair.

Have patience, Everything is difficult before it is easy .-Saadi

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